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How to fix category products sections on the Default layout

On the Default layout, you may have trouble with the category products sections on the home page. Something like this:

If you have it, then follow the steps below to fix this:

  1. Open your storefront themes.

  1. Click Advanced and Edit Theme Files.

You might get a warning pop-up. Click **Edit theme files** to continue.

  1. On the left panel, you have a file explorer. Navigate to the

    templates/components/wbcomponents/addons/wb_deal/topdeal/default_deals file.

  1. Remove all the code in the opened file, then copy and paste this:

    {{#if category_id '!==' ' '}} {{#each categories}} {{#if id '===' ../category_id}} {{#if (merge ../this
    category_name = name category_url = url)}} {{/if}}
    <h5 class="block-title">
    <span class="block-title--inner"> {{name}} <span class="title">products</span> </span>
    <div class="block-content">
    <div class="wb-extraslider-container">
    {{#if url '!=' ''}}
    data-products-by-category-tabs="{{ concat url '?sort=bestselling'}}"
    <div class="productLoading">
    class="img-responsive lazyload"
    src="{{cdn '/assets/img/loading.svg'}}"
    <div class="alertBox alertBox--info" style="margin:30px 0px">
    <div class="alertBox-column alertBox-icon">
    <icon glyph="ic-success" class="icon" aria-hidden="true"
    ><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
    d="M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zm1 15h-2v-2h2v2zm0-4h-2V7h2v6z"
    <p class="alertBox-column alertBox-message">
    <span>{{{lang 'wbTheme.wb_deals.noCategory' }}}</span>
    {{else}} {{#each children}} {{#if id '===' ../../category_id}} {{#if (merge ../../this category_name = name
    category_url = url)}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/each}} {{/if}} {{/each}} {{/if}}
  2. Navigate to the templates/components/wbcomponents/addons/wb_supper_category/default/default_tabs file.

  1. Remove all the code in the opened file, then copy and paste this:

    {{!-- Arguments: - category_id (number) - style (string): CSS class styling suffix Global variables: -
    categories (array) --}} {{#if category_id '!==' ' '}} {{#withHash categories = categories category_id =
    category_id moduleId = moduleId }} {{#each categories}} {{#if id '===' ../category_id}}
    <div id="wb-listing-tabs{{moduleId}}" class="wb-listing-tabs">
    <div class="ltabs-heading block-title">
    <h3 class="block-title--inner">{{name}}</h3>
    <div class="ltabs-tabs-wrap">
    <span class="ltabs-tab-selected"></span>
    <span class="ltabs-tab-arrow"></span>
    <ul class="tabs ltabs-tabs">
    {{#each categories}} {{#if id '===' ../category_id}} {{#each (limit children
    ../../limit_subcategory) }}
    <li class="tab">
    <a class="tab-title" href="{{url}}">{{name}}</a>
    {{/each}} {{else}} {{!-- Category Level 2--}} {{#each children}} {{#if id '===' ../../category_id}}
    {{#each (limit children ../../../limit_subcategory) }}
    <li class="tab">
    <a class="tab-title" href="{{url}}">{{name}}</a>
    {{/each}} {{/if}} {{/each}} {{/if}} {{/each}}
    <div class="ltabs-container block-content">
    data-products-by-category-tabs="{{concat url '?sort=newest'}}"
    <div class="productLoading">
    class="img-responsive lazyload"
    src="{{cdn '/assets/img/loading.svg'}}"
    {{/if}} {{/each}} {{/withHash}} {{/if}}