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About Us Page Settings

About us page is the place where you tell your store/brand story.

To change text inside the "Our Story" section, go to Shopify admin panel. Click Pages -> About us. Edit the text as you need.


To customize the About us page view, go to the drop-down menu, choose About us. Than select "About us" in the left sidebar menu.



In this section you can manage the way "Meet our team" looks like.


1. Team


Add a new team member or edit an existing one. You can upload an image, name and description.

2. Text


You can any text you'd like to appear in "Meet our team" section.



1. Title background color

You can choose one of the background colors options (white, light, dark, primary, secondary, carbon effect, gradient).

2. Title background gradient

Paste your CSS gradient code from sources like uiGradients.

3. Page subtitle

You can add a page subtitle if you need one.

4. Title alignment

You can choose the title positioning (left, center, right).

5. Page max-width (px)

Customize the page maximum width. You can disable it by leaving empty.

Main image


1. Image

Upload the image you'd like to see as the main one at the top of the page.

2. Image width (px)

Customize the main image width.

3. Image height (px)

Customize the main image height.

4. Image border

You can enable/disable the image border.



1. Enable Team section

You can enable/disable this section.

2. Team section title

You can customize the Team section title.

3. Team section subtitle

You can add a subtitle to the team section if you need one.

4. Light background

You can choose between two background color options (white or grey).

5. Title alignment

You can choose the title positioning (left, center, right).

6. Image width (px)

You can manage the image width.

7. Image height (px)

You can manage the image height.

8. Image border

You can enable/disable an image border.

9. Blocks per row / Mobile

Customize the number of blocks per row on the mobile version.

10. Blocks per row / Tablet

Customize the number of blocks per row on the tablet version.

11. Blocks per row / Desktop

Customize the number of blocks per row on the desctop version.

Bottom notice


1. Bottom notice text

Manage the text you'd like to appear in the bottom notice.

2. Bottom notice style

You can customize Bottom notice style by choosing one of color options (light, dark, info, success, warning, danger, primary, secondary).