Wishlist Page Settings
To customize this page, go to the drop-down menu and choose Wishlist. Than select "Wishlist Page" again in the left sidebar.
1. Title background color
Select a background color from variants (white, light, dark, primary, secondary, carbon effect, gradient ).
2. Title background gradient
Paste your CSS gradient code from sources like uiGradients.
3. Page subtitle
Type in the section subtitle (any extra information you'd like to be be displayed).
4. Title alignment
Choose the title positioning (left, center, right).
5. Wrap in container
You can enable/disable the section positioning in the center. If disabled, it will stretch to the entire width of the page.
Products list
1. Products per row / Mobile
Customize the number of items per row in the wishlist on the mobile version.
2. Products per row / Tablet
Customize the number of items per row in the wishlist on the tablet version.
3. Products per row / Desktop
Customize the number of items per row in the wishlist on the desktop version.