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Contact Us Page Settings

To customize this page, go to the drop-down menu and choose Contact us.


Than select "Contact Us" again in the left sidebar.



Customize the content you'd like to be displayed under the map.



1. Title background color

Select a background color from variants (white, light, dark, primary, secondary, carbon effect, gradient).

2. Title background gradient

Paste your CSS gradient code from sources like uiGradients.

3. Page subtitle

Type in the section subtitle (any extra information you'd like to be be displayed).

4. Title alignment

Choose the title positioning (left, center, right).

Google Maps

1. Enable Google Maps

Enable/disable Google Maps widget.

2. Section title

Customize the section title.

3. Section subtitle

Customize the section subtitle.

4. Google maps embed code

Put here the Google maps embed code of your office adress.

To display Google Maps full-width please change the width value inside your iframe code above to "100%"